My first post…

Hopefully the first of many!

               This blog is going to be my outlet. I love to read and even more than that, I love to write. I needed a creative outlet to let me express the things I think and feel.. By making this blog I am committing to writing at least 3 times a week, but hopefully most weeks, it will be more. I read a lot of books, and I also read a lot of other blogs about writing and publishing, ect. I want to take everything I know and will learn and apply that to my blog posts. There is not necessarily a theme to this blog, just different strategies for writing and reading. Some days I will post a piece of fiction, sometimes my thoughts on the book I’m reading, and some days I might just ramble. I would really appreciate for anyone who reads this, that if you like what you read, to continue reading, and hopefully tell some friends, I would also appreciate any comments or helpful tips, and even other creative blogs I may not know about.

               Happy reading!

One response to “My first post…

  1. Good luck with your blog. I’ve also started my own blog to post all my creative writing pieces. Incidentally we both have the same layout too. Anyway happy writing!

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