And as the floods move in
And your body starts to sink
I was the last thing on your mind
I know you better than you think,
‘Cause its simple darling, I gave you warning
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
I pray that you will find peace of mind
And I’ll find you another time,
I’ll love you another time
On the day you wake up
Needing somebody, and you’ve learned
Its okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same

-Ellie Goulding

Part three of Lilly’s Story…

Waking up, Lilly realized she felt more rested than she had in weeks, no longer plagued by the anxiety and anger she held on too for so long. She got straight to work, with a clear head, and a new focus. Her first task seemed rather easy. Pulling out her cell phone she dialed the familiar number of her oldest brother, Tom, and waited for him to answer.

“Hey Lil, what’s going on?” Tom asked, sounding a bit tired.

“I wanted to tell you that we are all going to boycott Dad’s wedding. So you’re off the hook now, just stay home,” she said sounding very casual. For a minute there was silence. “Tom, you still there?” she asked looking at her phone to make sure they had not been disconnected.

“Yeah, I’m here Lil,” he paused again. “But I have to go to the wedding. Dad will fire me if I’m not there. I can’t just say I’m not going. I have worked too hard to keep this job working for Dad’s company. I have already made some mistakes, he could fire me over. All I have to do is sit there for a few hours, and pretend I’m ok with everything, and I keep my job,” his voice sounded beaten already. “Besides you have to go too Lilly. Dad is supporting you financially and he probably won’t give you another dime, if you don’t show.”

“I’m already cut off,” she said louder than she had intended. “He called a few days ago,” she sighed and blinked the threat of tears away from her eyes. “Maeli wants to honeymoon on some island and he can’t afford that, and my college, so he informed me, that he has made his last payment towards my school, and the first payment towards their long vacation to Fiji” she didn’t want them too, but the tears started to escape anyway.

“Are you sure? I know he’s selfish, but to just cut you off like that? Are you sure,” he asked again. When there was no answer from Lilly, he understood how sure she was. “What does he expect you to do? You can’t pay for school with the money from your part time job. You are almost done, one more year, I don’t understand how he could just cut you off,” he spoke gently.

“I have enough to finish this semester but after that I guess I’m done. He didn’t really give an explanation he just called with his mind already made up, there was no convincing him. Believe me I tried,” she said with a shaky voice. “He’s made his priorities clear, and I am not one of them. If you think for one second I am going to sit in a church when he professes his love for a girl he doesn’t even know, you are sorely mistaken,” she said, he voice sounding much harsher. She hung up the phone, not wanting to hear the pity and excuses from her brother, who was no doubt still going to attend the wedding. The tears that now streamed down Lilly’s face made her realize the reasoning behind her plan of revenge. While she could have forgiven all the little tings her father had done, cutting her off from the thing she desired most, to finish college, was the last straw.

Wiping away the tears, she focused in on her second task of the day, she opened up her laptop and began searching. She would need to find a number that would get her directly though to Donnie, her dad’s boss, the only one with enough power to fire him. Having found it, she dialed carefully giving herself time between numbers to compose herself. Then the phone was ringing. “Hello Donald Meyer here.”