And as the floods move in
And your body starts to sink
I was the last thing on your mind
I know you better than you think,
‘Cause its simple darling, I gave you warning
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
I pray that you will find peace of mind
And I’ll find you another time,
I’ll love you another time
On the day you wake up
Needing somebody, and you’ve learned
Its okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same

-Ellie Goulding

I was warned, revenge is a stony path.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by, 

And that has made all the difference.

  – Robert Frost

I Many Times Thought Peace Had Come

I many times thought peace had come,

When peace was far away,

As wrecked men deem they sight the land,

At center of the sea,

And struggle slacker, but to prove,

As hopelessly as I,

How many the fictitious shores

Before the harbor lie.

– Emily Dickinson